Complementary and Alternative Care – aerik


aerik has complex health needs and can't afford private care. They were able to attend a free clinic at a naturopathic college.


There is a naturopath at the college that has student clinics, so free student clinics. I’m a low income person. I’ve been on disability since long before COVID based on my chronic illnesses and so care is limited in terms of like not having access – like paid care is limited for me in terms of not having access to financial resources but they offer – the naturopathic college offers free student clinics and also access to some free donated supplements, so I’ve been receiving care there for a number of years before COVID. 

I think that was a place where I felt like there was more familiarity and comfort with either the concept of low viral illness, so that was kind of the first place that I started to receive care and we started to use words like long COVID and try things. It was helpful to me that I already had a relationship with them. I’m also somebody who is very sensitive to medications. I am chemically and environmentally sensitive as well and so I was very – I’m very hesitant to use medications. I had very pronounced vaccine adverse reactions to the mRNA vaccines to the point where I’m not receiving those anymore based on that.

So the naturopath was also I think a good – a helpful place for me to receive care that was gentler and they were also very aware of my sensitivities and very aware of – we’d been building a relationship for years so that was really helpful in terms of trying things, both to address like residual viral load in my body and also what seems to be autoimmune kind of responses to COVID.

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