Seeking Information About Long COVID – aerik


aerik describes how the crowd sourced information about potential treatments.


I’m part of online support spaces for folks with long COVID and folks with disabilities generally and I have been since the beginning of COVID and before. I have also sourced a lot of information from those spaces, so those were the places where I learned about the treatments that I’m currently using. Those were the places where I learned – you know where I got the mast cell activation diagnostic checklist and I filled it out and I took that to my doctor. So a lot of information has come through – that I bring to my providers has come through other people with long-COVID or other people with disabilities … I do feel like I’m here because of crowd sourcing my health and because I had those relationships with providers, prior to this, who understood me and my disabilities and who have really trusted me, I think, to kind of lead in my own care and to know what’s going on with my own body and that’s a huge privilege. It’s not something that most folks I know have access to. That is a very real part of I think why I’m feeling a bit better.

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