Symptoms of Long COVID – aerik


For aerik, losing the ability to read and write meant the loss of an important way of coping with disability.


Before COVID I was in a place where I could read and write and I really lost access to a lot of that. That has come back since I’ve been taking the antihistamines daily. I’m more able to read and write than I have been since before COVID but I think that has been – that’s been really hard. That has been a real loss for me as someone who really – even when I was like really isolated because of disability, like that was kind of how I stayed connected to people and communities, was reading books and writing and watching things; like watching movies and documentaries. 

Even now the amount of that I can do is far less than what it once was so I think that has certainly been probably one of the hardest. And that also shows up in communication, you know? Losing or not being able to like continue on a track of a conversation. Not being able to like listen and take in information verbally in the ways that I was before. I think those have all been things that impacted me and have had to force me to really shift the way that I do things.

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