Advice to Policy Makers – Aislene


Aislene says that people living with a long-term disability should not be left in poverty.


We need more safety nets for people that are disabled so that they’re not living in poverty. The disabled community are given less than $1,000 a month and they are supposed to eat, live in an apartment, and survive and that is just impossible especially with the rising cost of rent, food and everything else in our society. There are literally people who are choosing death over the idea of being homeless and disabled. I also don’t want to die. [emotional] I don’t want to ever have that decision that a doctor’s going to sign off so that I can have medical assisted suicide because I can’t afford to live. That is a horrific thing that there are people that are dealing with right now. Something needed to be done yesterday because all of this is happening right now. People are living with long COVID and other types of disabilities right now. And I don’t know the course of action that the government has to do, but saying that their hands are tied or that they care, but … We elect government officials so that they can make these decisions so that they can help people in need and we are seeing healthcare being gutted from the inside in the middle of a pandemic and it is just disheartening and it’s frustrating and a lot more people are going to suffer because of that.

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