Support From Family, Friends, Communities – Aislene


Aislene says the queer community has a deeper understanding of long COVID based on past history.


So, people in queer communities and disabled communities have been, kind of, screaming into the void since the beginning of long COVID saying, “Hey, this is what’s going to happen, it’s going to kill us.” Queer people especially, because we dealt with this, not me personally, but older generations dealt with this in the 80s. So we have an entire generation of people that are just dead and people who could have been elders in the community but they are just now gone. And so those who have survived, and even younger generations, look back to that past and go “There wasn’t a lot done then and now we’re dealing with another pandemic where there was – in Canada it was a lot better, but the States we’re looking at a million, two million people just gone. That’s a staggering number of people who had dreams, who wanted to see their grandchildren, that wanted to write books and whatever, right. And it’s like all those people are just wiped away and we’re just an entire generation of people who have lost somebody. And for what? Because some people didn’t want to wear a mask or they didn’t want to socially distance or whatever.

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