Getting Care for Long COVID – Anna


Anna had no option but to go to ER with a severe case of hives.


So initially I had to go to ER. Because, this is the other thing that I really want to talk about, it was the accessibility of medical professionals at the time which was really low. I know that for example my doctor had six weeks’ wait time to see the family doctor. When I was calling walk-ins to inquire if I could be seen in the walk-in clinics, nothing, nothing that was like, you know, related to COVID, not even like, you know, outbreak of hives, was not – they were not allowing me to even come and be seen. So the ER was actually the only choice available for me for something like that. Even though like I know it’s not life-threatening, and believe me, like they made me very well aware that it wasn’t life-threatening, and yes, like I know it wasn’t life threatening, but in the same time, like I couldn’t live like this. I couldn’t live with such a – like such a large area of my body covered with extremely itchy hives.

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