Recognizing the Start of Long COVID – Carrie2


Carrie2 was experiencing strange symptoms but didn't want to believe she had long COVID.


And so then around the end of June – so a few months later – my husband said, “Look, you know, we have to get outside.” I hadn’t done anything other than work. And so we decided to go strawberry picking and I was kind of excited and we went out. And then I started fainting. So, like when I was bending down, then I would stand up and he had to catch me and it didn’t even feel bad or anything. I was like that – I thought that was the strangest thing and I wasn’t dehydrated. And he thought I must be dehydrated. So we went home and decided that I was out of shape, so I had to try and get in shape. So the next day we decided to go for a bike ride and I started riding my bike and I felt so happy to be doing something. I actually felt a little bit of energy and really, really happy but then the next day I felt awful – like terrible in a way I hadn’t really ever felt before and I didn’t know what was wrong. And I thought, “Well maybe I just overdid it a bit.” And so the next weekend we were still on this, “I’ve got to get active,” phase and I tried to go swimming. And then the exact same thing happened – that I just – I was in bed for three days and it wasn’t even a lot of swimming. And it wasn’t the day of, it was after that I started to feel really bad. And I was wondering, “Could this have to do with COVID?” I was learning a little bit about long COVID and I posted to a Canadian Women In Medicine group – that I belong to on Facebook like, “Has anybody experienced this?” And I immediately had a few people write to me and just say, “This is long COVID.” And I had said, “No, it’s not.” It was sort of I didn’t want it to be that because, for some reason to me, that was a chronic illness that I just didn’t want to have.

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