Support From Family, Friends, Communities – Carrie 2


Carrie 2 can't socialize in the ways she used to and appreciates people's understanding.


I mean people are mostly emotionally supportive. And the biggest thing they’ve had to give is a break and to understand why I’m not coming to things. I think that’s the hardest part. For me to go to Christmas at my in-laws this year – that’s a big deal. And for me to have to explain first that, “I’m not staying long, that I can’t…” And so to be able to explain to people that, yes, even though I can do something – I had a friend whose mother died and that was so important to me to go to her house and bring her food. I did that, but that meant I slept all day the next day – because it was in the evening – and I didn’t do my rehab. And so I get nervous that someone’s going to be like, “Well why can’t you come to my house?” And those are just rare things that I get to do now. It’s a big deal to – and I’m now – we have friends who often hosted New Year’s for us. And so I’m actually on call that day, so I’m just working the day not at night, just being on the pager. And so I’ve invited them for dinner the following week, but I’m just going to order everything. I love to cook but I can’t. I cannot have people over and make food. So again, it’s just hoping people can accept that. They’re used to a different kind of hosting but it’s – that’s just not possible now.

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