Seeking Information About Long COVID – Carrie 1


Carrie 1 was shocked by some of the information being shared in an online support group.


Well, I was in a support group that wasn’t very evidence based. And I was kind of shocked at the horrible things people were posting and suggesting, and I kept telling the administrators and the moderators, “Can you guys do something about this? This is not good. And I don’t understand what’s going on.” And they kept saying, “People will auto, what’s the word? Auto moderate themselves, people will figure it out between themselves, we shouldn’t censure.” And I was like, “It’s not censuring. This is literally bad information. Ivermectin is not to be taken when you have COVID. What is going on people? You don’t let Ivermectin in the group.” And so stuff like that really shocked me. And the people were saying, reiki healed them, and I was like, “No, you had a natural recovery, and you happened to be doing reiki, it doesn’t – just because you had a natural recovery, and you were doing reiki, doesn’t mean that they’re, one caused the other.”

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