Additional Supports Needed for People Living with Long COVID – Cathy


Cathy receives psychological support through workers' compensation but the support is limited and she has to fight to keep going.


I could have used a lot more support – I’m going to say, like, psychological, emotional support with this. And everybody needs it. And because I got sick at work, mine has been provided to me. But we all know how much it costs to see a psychologist. There needs to be people who are counsellors, psychologists who are trained in long COVID, who can help people. And once every six weeks just doesn’t cut it. And most of them are not going to get the help because it’s too expensive and they’re paying out of pocket. 

I:   Do you have to pay out of pocket for – to see your therapist? 

I do not. 

I:    But and you said every six weeks. Is that the limit of how often you can go? 

Sometimes it has been more frequent. I don’t know that I’ve been given a limit on that. And she does have to keep reapplying. She has had to go to bat for me to say, “No, she’s not well. You know? She absolutely is not going back to work like this.” So she has really gone to bat for me. But this is someone who is trained in—what’s the word?—chronic illnesses and trauma recovery. That’s not necessarily everybody’s specialty. But there needs to be a huge team that people can go to without having to pay an arm and a leg. Because I see the cries for help.

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