Advice to Policy Makers – Chris


Chris thinks that everyone should have access to multi-disciplinary rehabilitation.


I think certainly clinics like this – one of the advantages of this one, is it brings in components that might not necessarily be covered by the public healthcare system. The physiotherapy, the psychotherapy, I think have been essential already and will continue to be essential for the rehabilitation, for the – becoming functional [laughs] again, coming out of long COVID and getting it under control. So I think, if there are ways to have these multidisciplinary programs – particularly that include services that some individuals might have difficulty accessing otherwise – I think it’s important to think of ways for individuals who might not have adequate insurance coverage to – or might not have gotten COVID at work and so can do it through the Workmen – the workers’ compensation. For those who might be left behind for one reason or another, it’s important for policymakers to look at how to ensure that there’s equal access to rehabilitation opportunities, so that individuals have the opportunity to get themselves to the point where they can get back to work, back to caring for their loved ones, and those sorts of things. So thinking about what the funding models need to be – what the care delivery model needs to be for that to be possible – I think is important.

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