Complementary and Alternative Care – Chris


Chris says "my OT, physiotherapist, and kinesiologist have done an immense amount of positive things for me."


My OT and my physiotherapist and my kinesiologist have done an immense amount of positive things for me. The most benefit I’ve had in terms of just getting functional again, getting some of my deconditioning resolved, getting the strength and motivation to, you know, get out of bed some days it’s been largely because of what those three individuals have done. And my physiotherapist in particular, she was the one who after I first met with her after I had COVID in January and rattled off my laundry list of symptoms, both the ones I’d had since 2020 and the ones that were starting to emerge post-COVID, she’s the one who first said, you know, “Oh, this sounds like POTS which we’re starting to see in some of our long COVID patients.” … And so she was really the first one who kind of really said to me, “Not only do I think you have long-COVID, but here’s how I think your long COVID might be manifesting and most importantly here’s something I think we can do about it.” And then she started to build an exercise rehab program for me … So recumbent biking has been a big part of it because I’m not fully sitting upright and I’m not standing, I’m kind of a bit reclined. And, you know, I started with five minutes of biking every two days and now I’m up to half an hour of biking every day … The kinesiologist has me doing sort of a variety of exercises where I’m either seated or on my back or we’re starting to do things like squats to try to improve my leg strength but I’m always like hugging a beam or something [laughs] or have a chair or a bench right behind me just because I do have that dizziness. I do get like a syncope type feeling a lot and my legs are still pretty deconditioned. So we’re just trying to take the precautions as we expand the content of the exercise maybe.

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