Psychosocial Impacts – Chris


Chris feels like he is riding a roller coaster of physical symptoms and anxiety.


There’s no question that I have had a definite triggering of anxiety. That, you know, I didn’t have or wasn’t aware of issues with anxiety before I started feeling these symptoms. But certainly initially when I just had a range of unknown symptoms that I didn’t have any way to attribute them to something my anxiety was particularly bad. You know, I was looking for the one explanation, the one treatment, the one cure … I can have two great weeks where, even if I’m symptomatic, I’m still able to accomplish things and I get in a really good mood, you know, “OK I’m still living with this and it’s not going away but I’m finding a way to manage it.” But then one or two days of high flare-up days where I’m low functionality again, it can sort of send me right back into one of those funks where I get sad and irritable again … It’s a lot of up and down, it’s a real roller coaster. Then the symptoms have been very cyclical, very much a roller coaster and my emotions have followed that as well.

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