Recovery and Thoughts About the Future – Chris


Chris has hopes of being able to travel again one day.


One thing I certainly hope to be able to do that I don’t feel comfortable doing now is to go back to travelling … So, you know, in terms of being able to go on a little vacation with my daughter and my partner – or even travelling for work again … So one thing we’re going to tackle this weekend – and I’m sort of throwing all of my new strategies at it and I’ve actually written out a little plan of how to approach it – is just a weekend getaway. So a little trip not very far from home – an overnight – but be in a hotel. We’ll try to go out to a restaurant patio. We’ll try to do a couple of activities, ideally close to the hotel. So this is kind of a baby step approach for me. I used to enjoy vacations with family – as many people [laughs] do – work travel and that sort of thing. And now the thought of travel – especially travel by airplane and all of the energy exertion and walking and unpredictability that entails – that’s still not something that with the unpredictability of my symptoms, that I feel is remotely possible anytime soon. But again, to try to find the smaller, more manageable versions of that, where I can still get that quality time with my family, focusing on that as being what’s important. So we’re going to try a mini version of that this weekend – and I look forward to hopefully being able to build upon that – but we’ll take this step first.

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