Seeking Information About Long COVID – Chris


Chris finds that doing research ahead of time makes for more productive medical appointments.


I’ve been trying to strike a balance between finding enough information to feel like I’m able to go to appointments with specialists that don’t really understand a lot about long COVID or related conditions yet but are obviously experts in their field. So I want to be able to bring logical, reputable information to them and sort of try to get them to wade through it … Once I was comfortable enough saying, “I have long COVID” or, “I have POTS,” I think it changed the nature of my discussions with a lot of both specialists, and when I went to the emergency room, because I have been three times in the last six months because it – I’m coming at them with a little bit less of a random array of symptoms that could easily be, you know, a panic attack or something else. I’m sort of giving them a starting point, you know. “My cardiologist and physiotherapist have said I have POTS. I have been accepted to a long COVID rehab program. So I have these things and they affect me in this way. And now today I’m having this particularly bad flare that I can’t control,” for example and it’s made for more productive discussions with medical professionals, I think.

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