Symptoms of Long COVID – Chris


Chris has many symptoms but finds POTS to be the most disruptive.


I’ve been diagnosed with what’s called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. So, specifically, my heart rate when I go from sitting or lying to standing spikes considerably. The baseline for POTS is a 30 beat per minute spike, mine is more like 50 and then when I remain standing that elevated heart rate persists. Then when I lie down sometimes it takes a few minutes, sometimes it can take a few hours if I’m having a particularly bad spell, but once I’m not standing anymore eventually it tends to regulate itself again … So that’s been one of the limiting ones. The dizziness is pretty limiting, the heart palpitations can be quite limiting and then there’s some days where I just for no apparent reason get a flare of all of it all at once. My heart rate is super sensitive to spike really high, I’m dizzy, I’m lethargic, I get short of breath easily.

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