Credits – Long COVID


We would like to extend sincere thanks to all of the people living with Long COVID (LC) who participated in this study by sharing their experiences with our team, as well as to the members of the full project team and advisors (see members below). Special thanks to Celine Bailey who provided professional translation support, and to the excellent support from the University of Toronto and Trillium Health Partners – Institute for Better Health (IBH) operations and research ethics teams. Finally, thanks to our summer and practicum students Hargun Kaur (McMaster University), Yousra Lakhani (University of Toronto), Graham Gould (Western University), and Tea Christopoulos (University of Toronto) for help with various aspects of this study, including the gathering of resources, recruitment and social media support.


Core Research Team

Susan Law, PhD (Principal Investigator) 
Susan leads the Health Experiences Research Canada (HERC) Program and is a Senior Scientist at Trillium Health Partners – Institute for Better Health, as well as an Associate Professor at the Institute for Health Policy, Management & Evaluation (IPHME), University of Toronto. Susan oversaw all aspects of this research, including study design, data collection, analysis and dissemination.

Michelle Marcinow, PhD (Project Coordinator and Qualitative Researcher, IBH) 
Michelle was the project coordinator and lead qualitative researcher for this project, keeping us to task and organized, until she left on maternity leave in 2023. She conducted the majority of interviews with participants with support from Ilja Ormel and Susan Law.

Ilja Ormel, MPH, PhD (Qualitative Researcher) 
Ilja has worked on the team as a project coordinator and senior qualitative researcher since its launch in 2011. She conducted interviews for this project in Québec and other provinces.

Linda Rozmovits, PhD (Qualitative Researcher) 
Linda is a highly experienced freelance senior qualitative researcher who conducted the analysis of the qualitative data for this project, working from recordings and transcripts to produce the topic pages for the web module, and identify exemplar quotes from across the 42 participants.

Ryan Caulfeild, BCOM (Technical Lead for HERC) 
Ryan is a graduate in business from McMaster University with a background in information technology and has worked to provide stellar technical support for HERC projects for the past several years. He helped with the extraction and management of clips on our various platforms to produce the web module and overall editing to ensure confidentiality as per consent and smooth starts and finishes of individual clips. His role in data management and web functionality has been integral for our work.


Full Project Team & Advisors

Members of the full project team provided timely, insightful support, help with recruitment, and advice throughout the project.

Adriana Patino, Lead for Long COVID Canada, Patient Advisor, British Columbia 

Suzie Goulding, Lead for Covid Long-Haulers Canada & Long Covid Kids Canada, Patient Advisor, Ontario

David Gutnick, Retired CBC Journalist, Montreal

Loreen Pindera, Retired CBC Journalist, Montreal 

Kerry Kuluski, PhD, Dr. Mathias Gysler Research Chair in Patient and Family-Centred Care at the Institute for Better Health, THP; Associate Professor at IHPME, University of Toronto

Janet Curran, PhD, Professor, School of Nursing, Dalhousie University

Terence Tang, MD, MSc, Staff Physician in General Internal Medicine Clinician Scientist at the Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners 

Liz Mansfield, PhD, Scientist, Institute for Better Health, THP

Émilie Dionne, PhD, Researcher and Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Laval (QC); VITAM – Centre for Research on Sustainability, Québec

Seema Marwaha, MD, General Internist at St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health; Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto; Editor-in-Chief, Healthy Debate

Anne Hayes, MPH, Health Strategy & Partnerships, Health Data Research Network Canada

Robert Reid, MD, PhD, Inaugural Hazel McCallion Research Chair in Learning Health Systems, Institute for Better Health, THP; Senior VP, Science, THP; Professor at IHPME, University of Toronto

Nadine Akbar, PhD, Research Chair, Community Connection, Humber River Health; Assistant Professor, IHPME, University of Toronto


Funding: CIHR Operating Grant (# 02104GA4-466822)