Symptoms of Long COVID – Elaine


Elaine has an extensive list of symptoms.


I know I’m jumping around a bit but the symptoms that I have now, seven and a half months in, crushing fatigue, like exhaustion. I’ve been basically bedridden for the last week. Brain fog – ; it’s very much like having a severe concussion. I have trouble following things. I can’t watch movies because I can’t follow the plot line. Reading is extremely difficult. Memory issues; really bad …

headache comes back at times. It stopped being continuous around mid-June but it comes and goes now and it’s migraine-like. Still have no appetite. I’ve lost close to 20lbs in the last seven months without trying. Nausea; off and on. Vomiting; off and on. I have gastroparesis which means my stomach doesn’t empty normally. It takes a very long time which means when I eat, I feel very full, very quickly and it takes a long time to empty again … I did have a third urinary tract infection so it’s obviously affected my bladder. I have dry eyes and dry mouth, dizziness all the time; even sitting here now. Insomnia – ; my sleeping is just awful even with sleeping medications and prescribed medical cannabis, I still have really bad poor sleep. I wake up feeling exhausted, you know, it’s not restorative. I get chills and sweats, my temperature regulation is completely shot. I will feel freezing and be sweating at the same time, I get night sweats where I have to get out of bed and change my nightgown because it’s sopping wet. Mouth sores at times. I can’t exercise. If I exercise at all, sometimes even just going for a short walk, I pay for it for days afterwards … I’ve been to Emergency with a suspected heart attack and again, all the tests came back normal. But I get these crushing chest pains randomly. Body aches all the time; I hurt all over, all the time … Phantom smells; I will go through, you know, suddenly I’ll smell something nasty like cat urine or diesel exhaust, you know, and it’s not there. My tastes have changed, there’s a lot of foods I just can’t even think of eating now.

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