Tests and Investigations – Emily


Emily underwent extensive testing but, in the end, the tests found nothing to treat.


They did blood work and they checked all of the inflammatory markers that are commonly elevated in severe cases and mine were all fine. And they did chest X-rays, EKG’s, they repeated them again to see if there was any change and there was nothing. My heart rate was fine. In fact sometimes it was so low that it wouldn’t read on the monitor, but that’s just – I have normally a low resting heart rate. And so they did tell me that they felt – I had a pulmonary function test as well which was – that was just in September, but it was also normal. And they told me that they – they just said that my health going into getting sick was probably what helped me to not get severely ill and has helped with all of my markers being normal now and all of my tests being normal … Which is hard, because our medical system is based on treatment based on tests, right. So if there’s – if they test and there’s nothing there then they have nothing to treat. So yeah.

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