Advice to Policy Makers – Jennifer 2


Jennifer 2 says insurance companies should be required to accept long COVID as a diagnosis.


If we have accepted that it is a thing, you know, that it does exist, then make insurance companies, force them if you have to, to accept that long COVID is the diagnosis … People are afraid to apply if they don’t know. Even I was afraid to apply, I said, “No, no, no. There’s no way they’re going to give it to me. I can tell you they’re not going to give it to me” because I was thinking of long COVID. If it’s just long COVID then do you get benefits? And people are not able to work, they need to have access, access – EI [employment insurance], I read about it. You only get it for, I don’t know, a number of weeks and then that dries up and then what if you don’t have a long-term disability plan? So then all these people will end up collecting I guess what we call CPP [Canada Pension Plan] disability. It’s not enough … When I read the news, I’m always looking to see if insurance companies are accepting it. I have not read of many cases where people are collecting long-term disability insurance, I have not. I would really like to know whether people are able to make successful claims.

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