Online Support Groups – Jennifer 2


Jennifer 2 found other people's stories heartbreaking, especially because she, herself, had good personal, financial, and medical support.


When I read about people who have COVID, there are several running themes. They have no access to doctors, or they don’t have access to supportive doctors who understand what they’re going through. They have incredible financial hardship obviously because they can’t work. Very often they don’t seem to have much of family and community support either. Their employers are not accommodating, they don’t have access to sick leave or long-term disability benefits, and many are younger than me. My children are adults. They have younger children, and they still have the demands of a young family. I see all these recurring themes in every story I read, and it is heartbreaking. Just heartbreaking because I know what they’re going through and I know how real it is and I know how frustrating it is when no test after test after test, specialist after specialist they all say we can’t find anything and yet this is so real. And if it’s been this hard for me, as I say, with all the support I have and access to, I don’t know, everything, I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for them … I haven’t had to worry about taking leave without pay. I have not had to worry about sick leave, I have not had to worry about getting appointments, you know, and it’s been this hard. Can you imagine? I can’t and that’s why I haven’t gone to a support group yet.

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