Additional Expenses – Kari


Kari says, the mental health side of long COVID is massive.


I think the biggest thing is just that acknowledgement and that understanding that this is real, and people are struggling, and people are losing relationships, they’re losing homes, they are, the mental health of, side of long COVID is massive. It’s almost I think bigger than the physical part of long COVID. So, I think that’s where there needs to be more help for that. People can’t afford, you know, $250 dollars an hour for a psychologist … And people really, I don’t think you can get through long COVID without having some kind of mental help. It’s, because it is a loss, it’s a, you’re grieving your previous life and it’s a struggle. And I think the mental, like I said, the mental health aspect of this, I think is so much more significant that the physical part of it.

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