Impacts on Self and Daily Life – Kari


Kari says long COVID is a huge emotional and psychological rollercoaster.


Like everyday I have to talk to myself that it’s OK and it’s got to get better and, because I have said to my psychologist, I understand, not that I want to, but I understand why people take their life, because they truly feel like there’s no point and they’re at the end of their rope, because you know, you literally are grieving your previous life. We, I can’t do what I used to do, I, you know, so I’ve lost my social connections, I’ve lost my, I can’t work, so you lose that feeling of accomplishment and sense of contributing and all of that, let alone when I was stressed, my go-to was the gym, now I can’t do that, so how do you deal with stress now and yeah. It’s very hard and I’ve had many mental breakdowns. My anxiety, I never used to have anxiety, now I have big anxiety. I don’t like being around big groups of people. And we tried to go to a local hockey game one night and I just felt like all the conversations were just, everybody’s personal conversations were echoing in my head, like it’s so hard to explain. And then you feel like you’re completely losing it. And so, it’s a huge emotional and psychological rollercoaster.

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