Additional Supports Needed for People Living with Long COVID – Katherine


Katherine has been working from home. Her employer now wants her back in the office despite the risk to her health.


Workers’ compensation is advocating for me to continue to work from home. My employer is pushing against it. I think that has a lot to do with why they wanted me off work. I think employers really need to start wrapping their head around, once a person has been exposed to this virus they are that much more susceptible to get it a second time, a third time. If a person is already experiencing long COVID symptoms, and are exposed to the virus again and again, how is that going to – is it going to set me back? Because I want to move forward, I do not want to backtrack. I don’t want to, the second time or the third time end up in the hospital because of my employer demanding that I be exposed to so many different people. And honestly, in my humble opinion, dropping the mask mandate was the stupidest thing they could do, in conjunction with making everyone come back to the office. OK, fill the office up, but at least have them wear a mask. Nope. I guess they know better than the doctors.

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