Recovery and Thoughts About the Future – Katherine


Katherine is not ready to accept a new normal.


I refuse, absolutely, steadfastly refuse to be doom and gloom about this. I look at it as a challenge, one that I’m fully prepared to overcome no matter how long it takes me. I want my life back. I want to resume my normal level of activity. I want back in the gym. I want – I still want to lose weight. I still have lots of goals, physical exercise goals. I want to do a spin class. Like, I want to do these things … I see a lot of people who, two years in, are applying for – they’re using walkers to get around. They are applying for handicapped parking passes. They are applying for this? long-term disability. They’re applying for Canada pension. They are applying for – like they’re resigned to being sick for the rest of their lives. And I am not. Uh-uh. And I – like, again, I don’t mean it to sound judgey, because their experience is probably very dramatically different than mine. And maybe, you know, I’m only about 10 years from retiring; maybe I could do that to myself. But I don’t – I’m not there. Uh-huh. Not mentally and not emotionally. I am going to fight this for as long as I can. As long as I’ve got fight left in me, I’m going to keep fighting. Does that make sense? Like I just I can’t – I can’t go down that road. And I don’t mean to invalidate the people who have chosen that path. That’s not my place. Like everyone’s individual choice and experience is theirs and theirs alone. It’s just that’s not for me. I’m too much of a fighter, I guess.

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