Tests and Investigations – Katherine


Katherine was relieved to learn that she didn't have asthma or another lung condition but wished someone could explain her extreme shortness of breath.


I found myself with referrals to a pulmonologist, a cardiologist; we did a lung function test, chest X-rays. I just usually say a battery of tests, because there were so many, I honestly couldn’t tell you all of them. And, happily, all of the lung function tests came back normal. There was no indication of asthma or any of the other things that they look at, which is good news for me. But it certainly doesn’t explain why I was having such trouble catching my breath. Why I had so little stamina for any kind of physical exertion. Or why the shortness of breath would be so – in my view, extreme. I’m sure it wasn’t extreme. But, for me, formerly breathing quite normally, it felt extreme.

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