Complementary and Alternative Care – Kristen


Kristen felt supported by her naturopath and was "a huge fan of acupuncture, osteo, and massage."


Yes, the naturopath was phenomenal, again, really supportive. And I felt like the acupuncture really helped with the pain. I remember one day, my husband drove me – he had to drive me, I couldn’t drive for months – but I felt like such a cripple, that I couldn’t even get into the car. I was unable to move and to function that day. And when I got into the clinic, she put the needles all over my body, and after that experience I felt so much better, I couldn’t believe the difference. Like, going into the clinic and then walking out on my own – it was like night and day. I really – I took a lot from that – from that holistic healthcare. Massage has been really key, I go every two weeks, and that’s been helping with the headaches. I get a lot of skull pain, like, right underneath my head is where I get a lot of the headaches, so he does a lot of work on my neck, my upper back and to really lengthen and strengthen that area. And the osteopath I’ve been using for mainly my rib pain, because I get a lot of pain on my side. So, he lengthens and does manipulation for that, and I found that to be very helpful as well.

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