Coping Strategies and Self Care – Luna


Luna says she has changed the way she lives entirely.


What I’ve done is I’ve changed the way I live entirely so that, now, normal is this thing where I can’t wake up quickly. Where I plan – I budget the amount of effort I give – I put into everyday, physical effort and even mental effort. And within those parameters I can have relatively normal days, right? But I can’t adjust quickly to changing circumstances and I need to, it’s less so now, but it’s absolutely, I used to need to rest after everything. So I’d take a shower, rest, cook, rest, eat, rest [laughs]. And still I do that, but it’s not quite as bad. So now I try to treat the mornings like I said delicately so there’s a lot of resting and eating and resting and then showering. But after a certain point of the day I can kind of do a day kind of thing that feels a little bit more normal. But always with – I mean I’m still always absolutely calculating everything and judging whether or not it’s safe to do those things.

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