Recovery and Thoughts About the Future – Luna


Despite some improvement, Luna still feels like she is staring into the abyss.


I still think of myself as sick now and I think it’s sort of clearly true that I can still suffer from symptoms and consequences from actions and this kind of thing. But it’s actually sort of hard for me to remember how miserable I was [laughs]. I can remember it in words but not so much in feeling. I remember not being able to walk, I remember not being able to use my arm, I remember what it was like to [laughs], I remember what it was like before I thought I’d have it forever [crying] because now I think I will have it forever and I just have accepted that. And I think when it was in the six-to-nine-month range, I was thinking this isn’t possible, how can one – how can this happen [laughs]? And there was a lot of fear and anger and like looking into the abyss sort of feeling at that time. And so now my abyss is looking a different – it’s a slightly different colour. Now it’s like the abyss is clearly this and I can get through it and maybe I have to give up on certain things that other people can enjoy [crying]. But I will not have been the first person to have to do that [laughs].

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