Complementary and Alternative Care – Nick


Nick wishes there was more engagement between the medical community and other forms of healthcare.


Well, this goes deeper than long COVID and it’s something that I think the medical community at large needs to accept, and that is the emergence and that is the presence of alternative medicine practitioners. And I think there has to be better and more engaged work that happens between both the traditional as well as the Western and the Eastern medicine, so to say. So, there has to be greater communication, there has to be more internal medicine specialists that cater to both sides and there has to be acceptance. And which is even to this day, and I’ve been in an alternative space for almost ten, 15 years and that it’s usually dismissed or usually stated that there’s no research behind it. I understand that, but at the same time, the onus is on some of the doctors to know of research, because in certain situations there is certainly research available, but it’s usually dismissed as a catch-all, stating that there is nothing available. So, I think that’s where some of the changes need to happen. And secondly, is if there are treatments available and those treatments are, need to be mentioned, need to be introduced in conversations, so that patients, patient needs are addressed, and they are being heard. And it’s, and it should be up to the patient too, if the patient is asking for treatment and it has worked in certain situations, there has to be an open conversation with the doctors on what are the pros and cons of being on it.

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