Support From Family, Friends, Communities – Nicole


Nicole feels her colleagues don't understand that long COVID is a long haul condition.


I mean everyone’s tired of hearing about COVID, they want it to be over. I want it to be over too. Believe me, I’ve been dealing with it every day for 25 months. But a lot of people don’t believe me, they see me at work two days a week as a teacher and I think – I don’t know, they don’t believe that I’m sick. They’re not seeing the other half of it where I’m at home resting so that I can have enough energy to go to work two days a week and those two days are not consecutive. So I’m working Mondays and then I rest Tuesday, Wednesday and then I’m working Thursdays and then I’m resting Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I’ve just started short-term disability for the other three days a week.

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