Recovery and Thoughts About the Future – Paulina


Paulina feels she has to accept her new life and enjoy it as best as she can.


I kind of lost hope because, you know, like last year, I guess, there was – there were cases of spontaneous recovery. And I’m like, oh my gosh, really? People are just, you know, about six months to a year and then all of a sudden they’re – you know, they’re great. And I’m, like crossing my fingers, like, please. But it hasn’t happened and I kind of have been talking to [name] and I think for my mental health I need to accept that this might be my norm now. Because it’s so hard to, like, have hope and then it not coming – you know what I mean? I feel like – I don’t think I’m going to get better honestly. I’m kind of losing hope, is what I think.  I think right now it’s more about like managing my symptoms and – yeah. Sorry.


I:   A difficult situation. It’s a hard realization to come to. 


Yeah, like I said, it’s a – it’s grieving, it’s grieving your lifestyle, it’s grieving your relationship. I lost friends, you know, that don’t believe the whole COVID thing and it’s just been hard. So. I think I just need to, like, accept that this is how my life is now and I have to enjoy it the best I can. Enjoy my kids. Yeah.

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