
1 year since diagnosis

Age at interview: 34

Aislene has been living with long-COVID for the past 10 months. Her symptoms include brain fog and fatigue, but the most difficult symptom is the decreased lung capacity. Aislene finds it hard to do simple activities (e.g., walk up the stairs) which significantly limits her ability to do the things she enjoys in life (e.g., participate in theatre). However, she also lives with another chronic condition that has taught her how to adapt to what she describes as a living life with a disability that now includes long-COVID. She also has a strong support system from her family and friends and knows that if her condition worsens that she will have people there by her side. Living with long-term conditions has made her appreciate the important relationships in life and she holds those close to her heart. Despite the support, she has experienced doctors who have said her long-COVID symptoms are due to her weight or anxiety. She hopes that doctors take their patients more seriously and become more aware of long-COVID and the impact it has on people’s lives. She also hopes that the government will acknowledge long-COVID and other long-term conditions that cause people to live with disability and provide more resources to support care and finances.


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