
Recently diagnosed

Age at interview: 57

Anna has been suffering with long-COVID symptoms for almost five months, mainly hives, swelling, throat tightness and itching and burning in the mouth and ears. Anna has seen various doctors to treat these symptoms and is frustrated that each symptom is considered separately rather than holistically. As well, she is frustrated that there are very long wait times to see specialists for treatment and has to rely on taking anti-histamines and restricting her diet to foods that she can tolerate (i.e., cause no burning in her mouth) in the long-term to manage her symptoms. Anna has supportive family and friends but has learned that it is hard for others to understand what it feels like to go from being a healthy individual to living and coping with chronic symptoms. She found additional support through online groups where she is able to talk about her experience with others who are experiencing similar long-COVID symptoms. She hopes that she will improve in time and looks forward to being able to enjoy going out to restaurants with family and eating her favourite foods again.


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