
2 years since diagnosis

Age at interview: 40

Carrie has been living with long-COVID since December 2020 and has been dealing symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, and elevated heart rate when sitting or standing. Living with long-COVID has been challenging because she needs to pace herself with tasks and rest often to ensure that she does not make the symptoms worse. Living with the illness has had an impact on many aspects of her life as well. For example, it is challening to be a single parent, to socialize with family and friends, and keep with a career. However, Carrie has learned how to adjust to her situation and has developed some deep friendships with others who live with chronic illness. These friendships have been invaluable support throughout her experience. She also has turned her focus to advocacy work while she’s had to pause her career. She believes its ok to have hope that one day you will recover, but that you must also be realistic about your situation and learn how to adapt to your new life, learn how to love yourself, and think about how you can still contribute in this world in different ways than you might have before.


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