
2 years since diagnosis

Age at interview: 58

Christine has been living with on-going COVID symptoms (e.g., brain fog, vertigo, fatigue, anxiety, pain in body) since her initial infection in early 2020. Some symptoms come and go, while others have gotten better with time. Christine has faced many challenges with long-COVID including driving long hours to doctor appointments (she lives remotely), finding health care professionals who acknowledge that she has long-COVID, and dealing with anxiety (something she has not experienced before). Despite the challenges, Christine has reflected on some positive aspects of her experience. For example, going through this experience has helped her learn how to be more empathetic towards others, find ways to slow down her fast paced life, and develop different ways of teaching and interacting with students in her class. Moving forward, Christine has hope that she will get better and wishes that more health care professionals become open to learning from their patients about what this experience is like to provide better care and resources. She also hopes that public health and policy makers take into consideration that long-COVID is always evolving and to ensure that any policies created use flexible language that take this into consideration.


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