
1 year since diagnosis

Age at interview: 26

Clémentine has been living with long-COVID for about a year, mainly struggling with brain fog and memory loss, and sometimes has a dry cough. Memory loss has been the most troublesome issue to deal with because it can be challenging to remember what people tell her (e.g., names, facts about their personal life), what appointments she has (e.g., work meetings, social plans), or how to work through complex thoughts (e.g., calculations). For example, one day, she completely forgot her friend’s name and could not remember it for two days. Having difficulty with memory is also a hindrance as developing social connections becomes harder. She wonders if, at times, the memory loss is normal or not and has been relying on tracking her memory loss symptoms, in addition to asking others if she’s being repetitive or forgetful. As she was known to have a great memory, she worries that she has lost part of her identity and self-worth. She hopes that her memory will be restored and, in the meantime, focuses on coping mechanisms to help her through each day (e.g., taking notes, asking people to repeat questions, learning about memory techniques, etc.).


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