
2 years since diagnosis

Age at interview: 51

Lesley has been living with long-COVID for two years and her main symptoms are irregular heart beats and palpitations, neurological symptoms, organ damage to her liver and gallbladder, and gastrointestinal issues involving food intolerances, processing, and digestive disruption. Prior to COVID infection, Lesley had a vibrant career as a movement therapist and wellness coach, and an active social life with family and friends. Sadly, the crippling symptoms of long-COVID have significantly impacted these parts of her life. Because she is on such a restricted diet to reduce the number of gastrointestinal flare ups, Lesley needs to be mindful about the work contracts she accepts to preserve her energy and keep her functioning optimally. Also, as a COVID reinfection could dangerously affect her condition, Lesley has been forced to limit her social circle mainly to immediate family and very close friends. Making these changes has not only affected her professional life, but also impacted her role as a caregiver to her young son and recently widowed father. Despite these challenges, Lesley is grateful to have her loving husband, and supportive extended family alongside her as they all try to navigate this “new normal”. Lesley hopes that she will get better in time, but wishes that there were more supports for people living with long-COVID (e.g., financial, caregiver support). She is actively involved in long-COVID research studies and is a strong advocate for those suffering, lobbying both the provincial and federal governments to make long-COVID a health care priority.


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