
2 years since diagnosis

Age at interview: 49

Luna was diagnosed with COVID in the beginning of the first wave of the pandemic and has been struggling with long-term symptoms for more than 2 years, particularly with an inability to exert herself in the slightest way without triggering relapses. Although she has seen some improvement in her symptoms with each dose of the vaccine, she still has to alter her daily life and activities because she cannot operate at the same level she did before having COVID. Luna focuses on her breathing, keeping her heart rate stable, and taking things slow so is able to spend some energy in areas of her life that are important to her, including family and work. Luna is unsure if there is a future where she will no longer experience long-COVID symptoms, but in the meantime, she has learned to navigate her new normal. She hopes that resources and supports will be available to those living with long-COVID so that they are able to feel like contributing members of society as they navigate living with long-COVID.


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