
Recently diagnosed

Age at interview: 43

Nick had COVID in early 2022 and experienced typical cold-like symptoms at first but eventually he started to experience fatigue and shortness of breath that persisted for months. Nick has found it difficult to manage work and personal life living with these symptoms but has found support in online support groups where people share tips and tricks on how to manage symptoms. Nick misses how active he used to be but he has learned that he cannot push himself too hard otherwise he will pay for it the next day by being too sick and unable to focus on work or other activities. He also finds being self-employed and living with long-COVID challenging because the success of his business and team falls on him. Nick is hopeful that his symptoms will improve and takes things one day at a time. His advice to others living with long-COVID is to find the balance between rest and activity and do not push yourself too hard. He also hopes that health care providers and the general public will start to take long-COVID more seriously so that adequate care can be provided to those who are living with long-COVID.


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