
Recently diagnosed

Age at interview: 46

Tanya has been suffering with long-COVID symptoms for almost five months, such as tingling and numbness in her body, headaches, sensitivity to sound and light, and digestive issues. Tanya has learned that many physicians have little to no knowledge about long-COVID, which has led to her having to do her own research about potential treatments and coping mechanisms. However, Tanya wishes that there was more services available to people living with long-COVID that are focused on treating the condition rather than simply focusing on coping mechanisms. Tanya’s goal is to improve her health and get back to her normal self so that she can start enjoying all aspects of her life again, including family, work and socializing. Tanya wishes that there was more acknowledgement about long-COVID in Canada and that funding and resources are made available to focus on learning more about this condition and developing a treatment.


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