Coping Strategies and Self Care – Ruth


Ruth was reluctant to get a mobility scooter but now thinks it's great.


I just actually got a mobility device. I had it prescribed for a year and it took a long time for me to accept that. I know I needed it but it was just hard to accept that like where my health, I think, was. So I finally got it, and I’ve been using it and I’m very happy to have it because it’s actually given me freedom. … Something changed in the way that I saw that kind of help. I think because when someone uses crutches or a wheelchair because they broke their leg, there’s an end date to that. I said, “I just don’t know what’s going to happen with me.” And it was so hard to accept, but I’m trying to really just embrace it and embrace the freedom it’s giving me from symptoms … So I do get post exertional malaise and anything like driving half an hour to an appointment and coming back can leave me in bed for two days. So I kind of have to really gauge how I use my energy. And if I want to do something, I actually want to do, not like a doctor’s appointment, I want to be able to enjoy it and not crash. So it’s actually been working out. I went to the mall the other day to get glasses all by myself. Yeah, which was great. I haven’t done that in over two years.

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