Mental Health Support – Ruth


Ruth finds that working with a psychologist who understands chronic illness helps her accept her life as it is now.


I’ve had to talk to my psychologist to help me accept where I’m at now. Because I was living in, “Well, when am I going to get back to work? When am I going to get back to myself? When am I going to be able to swim again? When am I going to?” Actually, it was making me more upset. I was fighting my body more. It was making me just overall unhappy. So, when I accepted that that this is where I’m at right now, and then I just have to live day by day and see how I do. It’s just changed. I’m finding little bits of joy during the day now rather than seeing it as “if only I can do this,” to “I did this yay!” … just seemed a little victories. But honestly, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to go back to a full-time job. I hope that I can work again. But I don’t know how that’s going to look. Yeah, I don’t know how that’s going to look. But I do want to.

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