Online Support Groups – Ruth


Ruth made a decision to limit her engagement with social media.


You have to be really smart how you use that social media. I had to make the decision of, “OK, if I stay in these groups, if I have a question for them, and I post my question and see the answer, I’m going to search. And that’s it.” Or, “I don’t want to anything negative in my life today, for the next week. So I’m going to stay away from that, because all you’re going to be seeing is kind of suffering and stuff like that.” The very few times there’s something positive. But there’s just so few and far between that if you are not feeling well, if you’re depressed, if you’re anxious, or have suicidal thoughts, because of all the stuff that’s going on, I don’t think it’s the best place for you sometimes you may need to stay away from them. I think again, it goes back to the person and then gauging how they’re doing. Because it can be really great, really, but you have to know how to manage that.

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