Advice to Healthcare Providers – Tanya


Tanya urges doctors to actively listen to patients.


I think the number one thing would be to actively listen to patients, and believe them when they tell you that they have 56 different symptoms plaguing them. Don’t brush them off and tell them that it’s all psychosomatic, or, you know, or that because their blood tests all came back normal, or maybe they had an x-ray done or an MRI done, and there was nothing of serious, giant concern there, that, you know, that it can’t be real. It is real … we are not making this up because we want sympathy or because we want to go to visit numerous doctors, or put ourselves through numerous tests … I liked my life before, like I wasn’t – I’m not trying to escape anything. I liked my life, my family life, my social life, my job. And I liked feeling like a 46-year-old, not a 96-year-old. So we need doctors to actually take us seriously, and realize that for every thing that we say is actually hurting us, or making us ill, or debilitating us, that’s probably not even 100% the full scope of it. It’s probably only just scratching the surface of what it really is that’s happening to us.

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