Mental Health Support – Tanya


Tanya doubts that mental health support would help unless the provider had experienced long COVID themselves.


I kind of feel like it’s something that even a professional … Wouldn’t really be able to relate to, unless they had experienced it themselves. And, you know, like, to just go and … just talking and getting it off of my chest, certainly doesn’t make me feel any better, because that doesn’t – it doesn’t solve the problem. And I would imagine that they would try to suggest different things that I can do to make myself feel better emotionally, but, quite frankly, it’s not … It’s not that I have a depression problem that is of an unknown cause. The cause is my physical health has become terrible, and I have no prognosis for getting my health back. Therefore, obviously, any fluffy little antidotes to try and trick my brain into feeling better is really going to be kind of useless. That might be a very negative point of view, but, you know, I just don’t feel like I have the energy or the desire to go and have someone that has absolutely no idea how this feels, living like this, try and tell me how to cheer myself up.

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