Psychosocial Impacts – Tanya


Tanya grieves the healthy, mobile person she used to be.


I feel like I have and continue to grieve the healthy, mobile person that I used to be. And, you know, the unknown of whether this is the way I’m going to be from now on. I mean, there’s certainly no news out there about there being a cure for this at all. As I said, for the most part Canada has barely even gotten to the point where they’re acknowledging that it’s a thing. And that potentially there’s tens of thousands of people affected by this in Canada, and millions across the world. But, you know, like they’re barely acknowledging, let alone talking about any actual treatments they have. So, you know, a lot of – I mean, I’m hopeful that when I get into the clinic, that they will have something helpful or useful, but I’m afraid that it might be a matter of just learning to cope with it. Which is just really scary, because I don’t want to live this way the rest of my life. I feel like I’m 95 years old, not 46. And I never have a day where I feel normal, like my pre-COVID self.

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