Additional Expenses – WhiteFeather


WhiteFeather tried a variety of treatments until her insurance ran out.


She sent me to see an osteopath, massage therapist, a physiotherapist, and a psychologist. And all of these things were helpful, the psychologist less so. I also saw an acupuncturist and doing all of these things together sort of moved me along in my recovery process, I guess quite well. The acupuncture especially, because the acupuncture helped me deal with some of the neurological problems that I was experiencing. But my physiotherapist was also really good – she did light laser therapy on my spine, on the back of my neck and skull and spine, and that seemed to help with the neurological symptoms in my arms. She told me that she could tell that there was some inflammation in the myelin sheath, around my nerve bundles. My osteopath also confirmed that the thoracic nerve bundles were inflamed and that was contributing to ongoing breathing issues that I was having. So basically just unable to get a deep breath. Those were kind of the lingering lung issues, and the lung-ooze feeling. Then my insurance ran out, so I had to stop those treatments.

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