Online Support Groups – Emily


Emily says she was questioning her own sanity before she joined an online group.


And so when I joined the Slack group, it was a tremendous relief, because I felt like – and this was in May or June I believe. But I felt like I was crazy because I had all of these symptoms that wouldn’t go away and I couldn’t work, no matter how hard I tried and my brain was so foggy. And my physician really didn’t have any – anything to offer, he didn’t know. And everybody at work was like, “Well I’m not sure maybe it’s something else. Maybe you have, you know, maybe you caught something else or maybe it’s just going to take a long time to get over.” And some people said things like, “Maybe you’ve just never been sick before, so you don’t know what it’s like to feel better.” And I was questioning my sanity. “Am I just making this up, am I just depressed?” A lot of people said that, “Are you just depressed?” And so joining the slack group was huge, because I discovered that I wasn’t alone and there were so many people worldwide that were experiencing the same thing … So I joined them all, I joined everything that I possibly could. And I started reading everything that I could and reading scientific articles and posting on social media about the different – about long haulers specifically. Because people really weren’t – there wasn’t a lot of knowledge about it and people were being – starting to get tired I think, of lockdown and saying this isn’t real, nobody’s dying. You just get sick and then you’re better and then it’s fine.

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