Role determination – Maxime


Maxime helped to determine his role in the project by sharing his strengths and skills with the research team


So initially the project was in its infancy, so right at the beginning, and they were still trying to figure out like a role of a patient. And it was the first time that they had done that, and so just when [name]and I sat down together with the research team, we introduced ourselves, we  sort of had the discussion obviously, what can —what are our skill sets that we can bring, and how can we use those skills to benefit the project itself. So [name] had a lot of experience in policy and whatnot, and I had a lot of experience in sort of community engagement, and I also did media in the past. 

And so we decided that the best way that we could use our skills was to look at sort of the policies that were being developed with this project, with [name] perspectives and her expertise, and also utilise my community engagement media expertise to develop this plan of like this communication plan. And so essentially that’s what we came up with and that’s the partnership we agreed that would work best for the project, but every step of the way they considered our input, whether it be for future grant proposals for example, or reviewing the finalised research papers that came out of this project too. Yeah.

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